Marching to the beat of someone else's drum on the Future Leaders Scheme (FLS)

Marching to the beat of someone else’s drum on the Future Leaders Scheme (FLS)

We don’t learn from experiences; we learn from reflecting on experiences


Image of Coventry University’s London campus — redbrick building with blue metal campus gates.

“Future Leaders Scheme is building a diverse, robust pipeline to senior roles. You’re part of the high potential, talented civil servants who can get there.”

The Future Leaders Scheme (FLS) is one of the UK Civil Service’s Accelerated Development Schemes, aimed at high-potential grade 6 and 7 civil servants. You can read my reflections on the scheme here:

Delight and dissonance on the Future Leaders Scheme (FLS)

Hello dear reader,

Here I am again, ready to pour my existential angst into another blog post. The Future Leaders Scheme evokes emotions in me that are difficult to convey. Navigating that and finding the words to describe what I am feeling but cannot name is hard.

When I started writing these blog posts, I wanted it to be a place where I could meander through my thoughts and ideas, bringing them together. I wanted to write about things that mattered and will continue to matter.

I don’t exactly recall how I began to write, only that it started off emotionally, the words pouring onto the page as I scribbled without aim or purpose. I just wanted to feel connected to something on the scheme. Writing has become central to both my thinking process and my mental health. It is a refuge for me as I feel constantly ill at ease with my surroundings.

So, here goes.