Why the Future Leaders Scheme (FLS) fails - and what to do about it

Why the Future Leaders Scheme (FLS) fails — and what to do about it

Is there any alternative?


Caption: “A time of darkness is also a time of approaching light” by iuliastration

“Future Leaders Scheme is building a diverse, robust pipeline to senior roles. You’re part of the high potential, talented civil servants who can get there.”

The Future Leaders Scheme (FLS) is one of the UK Civil Service’s Accelerated Development Schemes, aimed at high-potential grade 6 and 7 civil servants. You can read my previous reflections on the scheme here:

Hope in the dark on the Future Leaders Scheme (FLS)

Note: This blog post was made better by the thoughtful and considered reflections of Sam Villis and Stefan Czerniawski; without them it wouldn’t have been as good. Thank you, both.

Hello dear reader,

I spent most of last week and this week thinking about how the issues with the Future Leaders Scheme are systemic. But I’ve had a hard time writing it.

Why have I had a hard time writing it? Well.

Some of it has been the problem of the enormity of the issue. I have spent a lot more time pulling on a lot more threads. But I also realised that this isn’t the only reason I’ve had a hard time writing. Mostly, it’s because I can’t stop thinking about the grief, ghosts, and persistent sense of hiraeth. Constant tension leaves its mark. And these experiences just…have invaded my heart and mind, leaving invisible imprints in their wake.